2023 in Art Review
Paradigm Shift – My 2023 in Art Review
Approaching the canvas of 2024, we stand at the threshold of a year brimming with vibrant hues and compelling narratives. It’s a blank canvas of possibilities, a fresh chapter waiting to unfold—a sentiment shared by many as they approach the new year. Personally, I find myself standing in my studio surrounded by endless opportunities to create something new, filled with eagerness to paint it with the kaleidoscope of colors that life has to offer. As I look back at 2023, I see the paradigm shift that has occurred and continues to drive me into this new year. This is my 2023 in Art Review, month by month.
In my perspective, the allure isn’t confined to the strokes of art alone; it extends to the numbers that intricately weave a subtle story of meaning. Consider this beautiful 2024 – when its digits dance together, they harmonize into the number eight, a symbol of auspiciousness and completeness. Isn’t it remarkable? Numerology, with its enchanting twos, fours, and the timeless circle of zero, occupies a special place in my heart. These figures, to me, are not merely mathematical; they are promises of positivity and gateways to the potential that this year may unfold.

Lucky Number 8 in 2024
As I glance into the rear-view mirror, reflecting on the journey through the business of art during 2023, the mirror reveals nearly thirty new paintings. It tells a tale of exploration, as I travelled to Vancouver, Banff, and Newfoundland, not only to showcase and deliver my art but also to immerse myself in the diverse landscapes that inspire my paintings.
Being a professional artist in Canada is a perpetual adventure, marked by new connections forged and opportunities that materialize on the horizon. However, growth also entails leaving some relationships behind, a necessary step as I continue to surge forward in my career. Let me share with you the highlights of this transformative year, one I’ve come to name ‘Paradigm Shift,’ a testament to the profound changes that unfolded in every stroke, connection, exhibition, and journey undertaken. Welcome to the vivid canvas of my 2023 – a year that exceeded expectations and set the stage for the next chapter in my professional art career.
2023 in Art Review – a year of shifting and rolling with the times
The first two paintings created in any year (I like to paint two at a time) are celebratory and set the tone for the year ahead. In 2023 I began with paintings of skaters on outdoor ponds.
The month began with a group exhibition in Banff, Canada with my Alberta dealer, Willock & Sax. I rounded out the month with two very large paintings, one portrait depicting our future consciousness in Canada and one depicting a conversation with a polar bear underwater.
On the verge of Spring weather here on the west coast I found support for the work I created during my Banff Centre residency with a featured article in Vancouver Island Arts Magazine. New paintings were flowing with an annual self-portrait about me and Lawren Harris in the works.
I launched a revolutionary 3D virtual exhibition of my work celebrating Northern scenes, Aurora Stories launched online, to a worldwide audience. The show was visited by cities in Canada, the USA, UK and art centres such as Basel, Switzerland, Berlin, the silicon valley. Grand Cayman and Dubai also came to see what was hanging in the virtual gallery. Thank you for visiting. There were new paintings honouring my Ukrainian Canadian heritage and a trip to walk the beautiful tulip fields of Chilliwack near Vancouver BC.
In May Britain was crowning a new King Charles, and the world was churning. My trip to the tulip festival and my UK roots were flowing into my work as I created two still life paintings of tulips encircled by a variety of tartans.
Invited by Canadian Art Today, I sat down for an interview by Zoom from my studio here in North Saanich on Vancouver Island. With over an hour of material the interview is available on YouTube as well as an Apple podcast.
I found out through the grapevine that a school in New Brunswick and a very forward thinking art teacher, chose to recreate my paintings live as performance and installation art.
This year I have been approached by arts educators across Canada, and it is wonderful to know that my work is being embraced by the next generation! Sending a big ‘Bravo!’ to these talented young artists. I painted a commissioned work for the Art in Nature Trail in Banff and also created a number of small polar bear paintings for my gallery in Banff.
It was a Canada Day road trip to Banff for the opening of the Art in Nature Trail, produced by Bridget Ryan of Carter-Ryan gallery. I also delivered 9 new small polar bear paintings to Willock & Sax gallery.
Two Toronto Magazines, the Toronto University produced Hart House Review and the visual and performing arts publication, smART Magazine published many of my works, painting and self-photography.
With the rising gas prices and an aging JEEP we traded in our rugged ride for a quiet Tesla, complete with new decals! Now you may see me coming, but you certainly will not hear my approach.

The Art of Brandy Saturley Tesla Y in front of mural by Jeff King, Victoria BC Canada
I also supported my original hometown of Sooke BC with a painting for their annual Sooke Fine Arts show, now celebrating 38 years.
Heading into the glorious season of Autumn and all those beautiful colors, we were contending with a year of wildfires and hot temperatures and I couldn’t help but want to send good vibes to the people of Lahaina, Hawaii and Yellowknife, NWT. I sent the Polar Bear King to visit these communities and heal them, through two new paintings.
I was also in preparations for my month long residency with the Pouch Cove Foundation in Newfoundland. I made the decision to pull my work from my dealer in Whistler, Adele Campbell Fine Art, after 2.5 years with this dealer it was time for me to move on and continue to push my market across Canada and into the US and European markets. I painted a little ‘Peace, Love, Canada’ before packing and hopping on the plane. Looking forward to a month creating on the easternmost coast of North America.
This month was all about an invitational artist residency in Pouch Cove, Newfoundland. One month to inhale all Newfoundland has to offer and spill it out onto three large canvasses, and capture it through my artist lens. A remarkable experience offering this west coast artist the opportunity to dip her toes in the Atlantic and Pacific. I produced new original paintings, writing, poetry, photographs and digital videos, which continue to come together in films posted to YouTube. A deeply holistic approach and record of my art making process from inception to presentation.
Returning home after a month away at year end means hitting the home-ground running! Production and printing of my annual art magazine, holiday mail out to clients and end of year shipments. I joined Mastrius as a Master Artist mentor and began promoting and preparing for a mentorship group I would be leading.
I stretched and finished my rolled paintings from Newfoundland and I shipped a painting back to James Baird Gallery. As a result of the residency you can now find my work available on ARTSY through James Baird Gallery.

Follow Brandy Saturley on ARTSY
I was invited to join the jury panel for the Canada International Art Competition in Toronto, and as I worked to wrap up my year I finished my final two paintings for 2023.
Thank you for being part of my year! It’s 2024, let’s go!
Sincerely Yours,