The Allure of Art: Why Art Collectors Choose Original Art

Many articles and blogs explore the benefits of collecting original art versus fine art prints and reproductions. Often, these perspectives come from investment advisors, gallerists, art dealers, and art consultants. But what insights do art collectors themselves offer? Why do we as Art Collectors Choose Original Art?

During the pandemic, the CEO of Artsy shared his reasons for collecting original artworks across various mediums. His motivations included the significance of owning a piece of culture, supporting artists directly, and the sheer joy of possessing something uniquely handmade and one-of-a-kind. Above all, the most compelling reason we collect original paintings, sculptures, or photographs is our love for the artwork. We want to have it in our space, to enjoy it every day, and to share its beauty with friends, family, and guests.

Why Collectors Choose Original Art

Martini View – commissioned landscape painting by Canadian Artist Brandy Saturley – Oak Bay, BC

 The Psychological Appeal

From a psychological standpoint, collecting can provide life support over time, act as a means of trading, form a basis for community and communication, serve as a stockpile of wealth, and become a mechanism for self-identity and expression. Collections inform, educate, offer emotional comfort and security, and mark our lives in personally meaningful ways. The human process of collecting is fundamentally consistent, whether it’s fine art or pop star memorabilia. Collecting is a basic human instinct that has enhanced our evolution, offering both material and emotional value to individuals and communities. This modern view of collecting acknowledges its natural human roots, influenced by economics, social structures, education, fashion, and personal history.

If you ask a psychiatrist about the drive to collect, one aspect might be an addictive personality. There’s also the incremental cultural value—owning a painting, along with its preliminary sketches and studies, can feel like piecing together the life of the artwork, which hints at a compulsive desire to complete a narrative.

Why Collectors Choose Original Art

Art Collector’s Homes – Canadian Art Collection – paintings by Brandy Saturley

Art as an Investment

When art collectors are asked why they buy art, the primary reasons include building a collection, decorating homes or spaces, supporting artists, and finding inspiration and joy. Fewer collectors mention purchasing art purely as an investment, although this is an increasing trend. Art is gaining recognition as a stable alternative asset class, especially in times of economic volatility.

In essence, collecting original art is about passion, connection, and the human desire to own something truly unique. It’s about enriching our lives with beauty, supporting the creators, and finding a sense of personal and cultural fulfillment.

Why Collectors Choose Original Art

Private Art Collection – Toronto, Canada – Canadian Artists

10 Reasons to Choose Original Art

  1. It’s an investment that not only benefits you, but directly supports someone else
  2. The importance of ownership of your own culture
  3. You are tired of throwing money away on depreciating assets
  4. You Love Art
  5. You Love The Artist and want to see them do well
  6. You are addicted to collecting things
  7. You want to own something that only you can
  8. It’s an extension of yourself, and expression of your inner creativity
  9. It’s beautiful and you love beauty
  10. You can’t explain it, you just know that you can’t go through life without having the artwork in your home
art in homes

Private Art Collection – Quebec, Canada – Brandy Saturley

Want to share your reasons for collecting original artworks? Reach out here.


My Designer says the paintings don’t fit my space – Buy The Art You Love

As a professional artist, I have encountered various relationships when it comes to placing my artwork with art collectors, both corporate and private. Sometimes, I collaborate with art galleries and advisors to find forever homes for the signature original paintings I create. My best advice is always, buy the art you love, that speaks to you loudly and says, ‘buy me’.

Buy Art You Love

Original acrylic paintings by contemporary Canadian painter, Brandy Saturley

One of the challenges I face when working with art collectors who involve interior designers is getting them to view art as more than just decoration. That’s why many clients who love collecting unique works of art choose to work with an Art Advisor in conjunction with an Interior Designer. Designing interiors is one thing, but incorporating real, one-of-a-kind finely crafted works of art requires a different perspective. It involves looking beyond mere décor and creating a world that reflects your tastes and life experiences.

Buy Art You Love

Paintings about Ukrainian Canadian influence by Brandy Saturley

At The Art of Brandy Saturley, we sell art to art lovers. This means we don’t sell art to match your couch (although sometimes, by accident, it may actually match). Instead, we encourage our clients to view art as the most significant feature of their custom-designed interior. The paintings of Brandy Saturley are bold statement pieces and have been collected by corporate and private collectors with varying tastes. They can fit into any type of interior, whether it’s mid-century modern, west coast contemporary, or even a cozy log cabin in the mountains or by the lake.

Buy Art You Love

Dochka Rising, modern self-portrait by Brandy Saturley

Recently, one of my galleries contacted me about a client who expressed interest in a few paintings. After a few communications back and forth, we received the disappointing news that their designer thought the paintings were too small for their space. Although we occasionally receive this feedback, it only motivates me to educate and assist the client further.

You should never refrain from buying artwork you LOVE simply because it doesn’t fit a specific space. Instead, always follow your internal intuition and purchase what speaks to you. There is always a way to incorporate what you love into your space. If you don’t include what you love, your space remains incomplete, like a blank canvas waiting to be filled. Here was my response to the client:

canadian paintings

Canoeland, original acrylic painting on canvas, 30×60, Brandy Saturley

“I understand that your designer has expressed concerns about the size of the paintings in relation to your space. While it’s important to consider the visual impact and proportion of artwork within a given environment, I would like to emphasize that buying art encompasses more than just finding something that fits the space.

Art has the power to evoke emotions, stimulate creativity, and inspire thought-provoking conversations. It adds character and personalization to a space, reflecting your unique taste and individuality. While the size of the artwork is certainly a factor to consider, it shouldn’t overshadow the intrinsic value and impact of the pieces you choose.

I encourage you to think beyond the immediate dimensions and focus on the overall aesthetic experience that the artwork can provide. Sometimes, a smaller piece can make a significant impact when combined with other elements such as framing, lighting, or complementary pieces. It’s also worth exploring different arrangements, groupings, or even considering larger pieces as focal points while incorporating smaller artworks as part of a curated collection.

Ultimately, buying art is an opportunity to express your personal style and create a meaningful connection with the pieces you bring into your space. I would be delighted to assist you further in exploring various options that align with your vision and help you create an environment that truly resonates with you.”

Five Ways to Buy Art online

Original fine art isn’t merely décor; it’s an investment in a piece of history that exists on Earth specifically for you, the collector. Buy the Art you love, it will always fit your space.

See Art in the Homes of real art collectors.

See Art Dealers for Brandy Saturley – in Banff and in Whistler, Canada.

art interiors

An art collector’s home, buy the Art you love.

Peek Inside: The Reality of Art in Homes

You may have seen the photos in your favourite interior design magazine or on artist and art gallery websites, photos of paintings hanging in perfectly paired environments. The reality of art in collector homes is often VERY different than what magazines present. The paintings of Canadian Artist Brandy Saturley hang in some pretty eclectic and remarkable interiors. Art in homes and corporate collections across the country. Sometimes clients like to share where they have installed their new art purchase, and we love getting the opportunity to peek inside a clients home or office.

art in homes

Buying art online can be a daunting process, but it doesn’t have to be, thanks to technology it is easier than ever to get a sense of how the work will look in your space. Simply by taking a photo with your digital device, and emailing it to us with wall dimensions, we can superimpose the artwork on your wall, virtually. This will give you an accurate sense of how the art will ‘fit’ in the space you have available. Different clients have different needs and personal tastes, some prefer to match the couch or choose a piece that pops with their wall colour. Other art collectors want a piece that blends into a space, or fits on a salon style wall. (numerous paintings of varied sizes hanging on a wall randomly)

art in homes

Many art collectors who buy the paintings of Brandy Saturley, buy what they love, and do not worry about how a piece will fit into their space. These are adventurous art lovers who tend to change the couch or wall colour, to go with the art. There is also the opportunity to commission the Artist to create something custom made for your home. Whatever your preference, it is always nice to see how other people hang their art and decorate their interiors. A bit of art collecting voyeurism here, we hope you will enjoy. Perhaps they will inspire you, or even take the pressure off. Collecting Art is not about perfect, it’s about what YOU love, what MOVES you, what REFLECTS your personal tastes. Buying Art should be fun, not hard work. Enjoy it! Here are a few more photos of collected paintings in homes and corporate offices across Canada.

art in homes

Why do we need art in our homes? in the most simple terms, because Art makes our homes more human. Amongst all of the machine-made items in our homes, it brings life to have something that is one-of-a-kind and made with human hands in the most intimate of ways. Even if you never meet the artist in person, seeing the fingerprints, brush strokes or marks on the work serves as a reminder of the person behind the work of art.

art in homes

In simple terms, Art adds beauty, pause, décor, style, energy, a story, and value. Art is an investment in good health, culture, and your home or business.

art installation

For me, the most important thing art adds is an inception point for future conversations. A well-crafted piece of art offers a starting point for conversation, a reflection of one’s tastes, and escape. Original art on your wall offers a vacation from reality and the stresses of the day.

art interior victoria bc

When you cannot get outside, or take that vacation, Art provides a place for your mind to escape.

Art helps sell a home.

Art reflects YOU.

Art in Homes

Art offers a moment of meditation, a place where your mind can wander and rejuvenate.

See more paintings by Canadian Artist Brandy Saturley

Whether Architecture or Art, West Coast Contemporary is a minimalist pause for the senses.

If I were to choose one word that defines the west coast of Canada and Vancouver Island, it would be solitude. Whether you were born here, or moved here to escape Canadian winter, you will find yourself soothed by nature’s pause. Growing up on Vancouver Island means time spent exploring grey sand beaches for beautiful jewel toned and sand polished bits of glass. You hop from beach rock to log then to sand like a cougar, and you have likely encountered a few on your adventures. You are surrounded by soothing sounds of nature; the waves pushing and pulling rocks on the beach deliver cavernous echoes, the rain producing tones of radio wave static, and the birds offering flute-like sonatas. This is the symphony of the west coast, this is where West Coast Contemporary is born.

commission a painting

Vancouver Island is contemporary, minimalist and modern. The palette is a range of cool greens from moss to emerald, set against warm colours of yellow and red cedar. Vivid contrasts against the bright red-oranges of the Arbutus trees set against the complimentary blues of the ocean, lakes, and sky.  The architecture here echoes the palette of nature, as does most of the art produced on the island. As we experience mild winters and much rain, rather than white snow, we are known for our dramatic winter skies from Payne’s grey to cool grey.

Perhaps this is why colour excites me so much. Pure, vivid, lively and energetic punches of pure colour, I am passionate about my ‘pop’ palettes. Recently I completed a new painting, after a visit to the Tofino area of Vancouver Island. Known for it’s surf and distinctly west coast food and culture, there is inspiration around every corner. While there I experienced a range of moods and tones, set by the dramatically changing weather.

A new painting born of west coast adventure, this is ‘West Coast Solitude’.

West Coast Contemporary

Another painting that captures the minimalistic beauty of contemporary west coast design is this bold piece inspired by a visit to Point No Point resort.

West Coast Contemporary art

Bringing two paintings together from different times, both modern and minimalist in design and both very symbolic imagery of the west coast of Canada. Both paintings also feature the iconic Hudson’s Bay point blanket, the classic with cream wool and signature HBC stripe colours. The most recent piece offering a romantic west coast afternoon sipping port wine wrapped in the blanket, the earlier work featuring a black bear skull with red Japanese maple leaf on the frontal lobe of the bear’s skull.

Two contemporary west coast paintings in the artists’ North Saanich studio.

paintings featuring hudson's bay point blanket - interior Brandy Saturley art studio North Saanich

A little taste of West Coast contemporary, bringing nature and pops of vivid colour into your home, elevating your home and adding to the conversations you will have with your guests next time you entertain.

See more Art from Brandy Saturley.

Art Collector Homes Part 2; Art in Oak Bay

Earlier this year I wrote a blog post about art collector homes on Canada’s west coast, Vancouver Island. I’m not sure if it is the hot real estate market in Victoria BC, or my artwork on the walls, but something is happening here in BC and I am pleased to have my work prominently on display in these stunning homes. Earlier this year one of my collectors put their Cordova Bay dream home on the market, minus the artwork, though the bidders were hoping to have the paintings included in the sale. This month another collector, this time in Oak Bay has their stunning custom home on the market, a beautiful three-storey stunner, with an Olympic Mountain view.

Last summer I installed a custom painted, commissioned work of art on their wall with a view. I take on very few commissions as it takes time away from my core work as a professional artist, however in this case I was happy to oblige as the scale of the work and the idea sounded like a fun detour for a month. These commissioned paintings offer me a chance to get inside someone else’s head for a while and allow me to mentally stretch as an artist. In some cases they challenge me in new subject material and open me up to expressing views outside of my core work on canvas. It is a collaborative experience where the client is expressing their creativity through me, the artist. After all, we are all creative, but we are not all artists, or painters. As an artist I have the patience to commit myself to a month long process of creating something custom tailored to suit the client’s creative aspirations and vision. I bring my expertise with colour, form, composition and style, creating the perfect painting for the couple who will forever own the piece and pass it down to the next generation of art lovers.

Breathtaking views of the Salish Sea from this incredible custom residence situated in Victoria’s oldest and most sought after address, on King George Terrace in Oak Bay. Built in 1999 to exacting standards, this home features impressive views, amazing sunsets and the ocean activity in the channel.

The final painting was designed to echo the view out the main window, with sunset colours and sailboats, as you watch them sail by all year round, and by the hundreds during Swiftsure yacht race. It is a view where you can enjoy a glass of champagne, your favorite wine or in this case a martini with raspberries.

Read more about commissioning a painting from The Art of Brandy Saturley here.

Art Collector Homes: Custom Home on Vancouver Island.

Art collector homes – a look inside a contemporary west coast home. Serious Art lovers design their homes around their art collections, some opt to hire an architect or designer to assist in creating their dream homes to put their art center stage. Some people simply have a great eye for art and design, and when the two combine, something magical is created. Recently this one of a kind custom home by award winning designer Wil Peereboom, a Vancouver Island dream home, went up for sale on the real estate market here in Victoria, BC.

A stunning three story contemporary home built Oceanside with views framed by the coastal forest including towering Douglas Fir and Yellow Cedar. Featuring lovingly collected mid-century modern furnishings and Scandinavian design, this eclectic contemporary home incorporates natural and modern textures and finishes including concrete. This home features seven paintings by Victoria based Canadian artist, Brandy Saturley and was listed with Victoria based Realtor, Matt Loken. UPDATE: this home is now sold.

Below are a few photos of the paintings featured in this collectors home, created by Brandy Saturley.

art collector homes

art collector homes

In this art collector’s home you will see a variety of paintings. Including landscapes and figurative works inspired by the artist’s hikes in and around areas on Vancouver Island. This home also features paintings of the rocky mountains of Alberta. See more paintings by this Canadian artist now.